مجلة كلية التربية للبنات (Feb 2019)

Patterns of parental care for mothers and kindergarten children at social fear

  • ألطاف یاسین خضر منى محمد سلوم

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 2


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That the child in the early years of his life learns a lot of experiences that help him grow properly, and if the availability of the child family atmosphere full of love and affection and trust he was able to grow healthy growth and is in accordance with itself and with the community in which they live, and stop method of the child in the expression of fear on the nature of situation and on the theme of fear and the reaction of those around the child as well as the vague positions that can not a child from its interpretation raises his fear, and its lead in life are the kindergarten of the growing concerns him, causing his social concern, therefore, targeted current research to identify patterns of parental care(mothers), followed by parents(mothers) with their children and find differences in care depending on the type of sex (male, female) and find the relationship between patterns of parental care(mothers) and social phobia at (300) children from the children Riyadh governmental and private organizations in the city of Baghdad for the academic year (2011-2012) and the results indicate that the style most often used is to control and control and that this technique the most powerful fear of social relationship.