Медицинский совет (Dec 2019)
Complex therapy of acute respiratory diseases
Acute respiratory disease (ARD) is a common pathology. Untimely diagnosis and treatment, co-morbidities, old age and children under 1 year of age, pregnancy can increase the severity of the condition and lead to complications and death. According to IDSA recommendations, vaccination is an effective way to prevent complications and fatal influenza cases. Vaccination is primarily for people at risk of serious illness. In cases of suspected influenza, molecular diagnostics is recommended. At the same time, treatment of suspected influenza should be prescribed immediately, without waiting for laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. Etiotropic treatment aimed at suppressing virus replication should be the first priority in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Bacterial agents may be the primary cause of respiratory diseases or may complicate viral diseases. In the presence of a bacterial pathogen, antibacterial agents are prescribed. ARD symptoms worsen the quality of life of patients. Complex treatment of respiratory diseases includes the prescription of symptomatic therapy: antipyretics, antitussives, vasoconstrictor drugs in rhinorrhea. Cough is the most common respiratory symptom. In various diseases, cough has its own peculiarities, which allows you to carry out differential diagnosis. The American Thoracic Society has proposed schemes of differential search for acute and chronic coughs, which allow rational diagnosis of diseases. The use of antitussive drugs has its own peculiarities: when the cough is non-productive, drugs are prescribed to suppress cough, when the cough is productive - drugs are aimed at facilitating the evacuation of sputum. One of the preparations possessing expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic action, is Hedelix syrup on the basis of ivy.