Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2017)
Мойсей А., Каизер И. Стелиан Груя – исследователь творчества Тараса Шевченко. С 90-х годов ХІХ века положено начало румынского шевченковедения. Значительный вклад в развитие этой галузи сделали такие ученые, как Т. Носенко, М. Ласло-Куцюк, К. Барборике, И. Ребошапка, С. Груя и др. В статье пойдет речь о работах Стелиана Груи, посвященных творчеству Тараса Шевченко («Т. Шевченко – поет-романтик», «Молитва и проклятие: критическое исследование»). Также проанализированы сочинения «Гайдамаки», «Псалмы Давидовы», «Великий лех», «Иван Подкова», их интерпретация румынским ученым. Ключевые слова: Т. Шевченко, шевченковедение, романтизм, историческая поэма, мистерия. Antoniy Moysey, Iryna Kaizer. Stelian Hruya as a researcher of Taras Shevchenko's creations. The process of assimilation of Shevchenko`s writings in Romania, and, accordingly, the appearing of the Shevchenko studies are divided into two periods – before and after World War II. For the first time the Kobzar`s name began to appear on the pages of periodicals in the 90's. XIX century, when the magazine «Contenporanul» reprinted the article about the Ukrainian poet from the French newspaper «Le Temps». The ballad «Prychynna» became the first translated work of the Ukrainian poet in Romania. The Romanian academic Shevchenko studies begin only after World War II. One of the most famous Romanian experts of the Ukrainian literature and culture can be considered Stelian Hruya. His works hane not only historical and educational value, but are also characterized by deep analitical approach, using new methods. Stelian Hruya was a professor of the Bucharest University and was teaching Ukrainian literature. He devoted his doctoral dissertation to the work of the Ukrainian poet «Taras Shevchenko – a romanticpoet» (1973) and the book «Prayer and curse : Critical research» (1995). These works, written in the conditions of the communistic dictationship,are remarked with brave interpretation of the «Кobzar». In the proposed article the analysis of the works «Gaydamakі», «Psalms of David», «Big cellar» are examined in details. Let`s point out that the suggestions of S. Hruya about the genre of ballads in the Kobzar work became innovate for the literaries. In the opinion of the scientist, that genre is presented not only by «Prychуnna», «Drown», «Poplar», «Lily», «Mermaid», but also by such works as «There laid an ax behind the God`s door», «Perebendya», «Ivan Pidkova», «Gamalia», «Taras’ night». A separate part of his work «Prayer and curses» S. Hruiya dedicates to the image of woman in the work of the poet. There are also lots of investigations to grotesque, irony and sarcasm in Kobzar poetry. Applying the comparative method of the literary, the Romanian researcher analyses Shevchenko`s poem «Dream» in the context of the other European authors – «Monument to Peter the Great» A. Mickiewicz and «The Bronze Horseman» by Alexander Pushkin. Thus, the suggestions of Hruya regarding the work of poet Taras Shevchenko represented the poet as European and intellectual, whose mental horizons cover different spheres and problems of life and culture, outline the scale context of the mental world. Key words: Shevchenko, Shevchenko studies, romanticism, historical poem, mystery.