The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (May 2019)
In this paper, an integrated analysis of the geometric and photogrammetric surveys on a 19th century bridge is proposed as an instrument for the comprehension of the historical evolution of its structural disorders, of its present conservation status and as a reliable base to define future interventions. The studied 20 arches brick masonry bridge in Northern Italy, that reaches the length of nearly 600 meters, constitutes a very interesting case study, not only for the technical and structural issues related to its restoration and use (with increased traffic loads) but also for its geometry, that has strict connections with the design methods that lead its construction, based on proportions, and whose changes in time embody the present symptoms of possible structural illnesses. Moreover, the bridge shows many decay phenomena, whose treatment will require a large part of the restoration resources. For this reason, a precise quantification of the affected surfaces, also in the curved parts, is important for the definition of conservative interventions. To this aim, possible methods of mapping and measuring the decay phenomena starting from the photogrammetric survey are also discussed.