Educa (May 2019)

Iniciação à docência em escola da rede pública em Porto Velho-RO

  • Fernanda Silveira Pereira da Silva,
  • Elizabeth Antonia Leonel de Moraes Martines,
  • Renato Abreu Lima

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 14
pp. 69 – 82


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This study aimed to analyze and reflect on the activities developed by the project "My Plant, My School" to contribute to school community, aiming at a new way of working Environmental Education with students and staff of the State School of Major Guapindaia in Porto Velho-RO. We worked with collaborative action research, being a method chosen by the PIBID of Biological Sciences of the UNIR for the initiation to the teaching of its students in order to investigate the actions that are carried out in the environmental scope. Students also had to make portfolios with information about plant species planted at school as well as report monitoring of seedlings through written and visual data records that were presented to every school. It was verified that the project was a great success by the active participation of the students in each stage developed being an important construction of knowledges of differentiated form to the traditional teaching.
