Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (Jun 2020)

L’empowerment dei docenti universitari: formarsi alla didattica e alla valutazione

  • Cristina Coggi,
  • Paola Ricchiardi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 21
pp. 149 – 168


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In this contribution we propose an analysis of the teaching training initiatives for university professors according to the international literature and we present a summary of the effects highlighted by the researches. These highlight the characteristics of effective training for quality teaching. We therefore describe the training model experimented by the University of Turin (IRIDI). The proposal is configured as a pedagogical-transversal and medium-long term program, aimed at professors heterogeneous by discipline, academic experience and roles, who freely adhere to the project. The program takes place around topic related to teaching and assessment, and proposes the transition from teachercentered to student-centered concept, aimed at encouraging also a significant learning through fair strategies of formative and regulatory teaching assessment. We illustrate some results of the impact of the IRIDI course on a sample of 100 university professors. We note in particular the effectiveness of the program in the transformation of teaching and assessment representations and strategies.
