Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Aug 2007)
Correlação entre métodos tradicionais e espectroscopia de ultra-som na determinação de características físico-químicas do leite Correlation between traditional methods and ultrasonic spectroscopy for measurement of milk physical-chemical characteristics
Compararam-se a espectroscopia de ultra-som (US) e os métodos tradicionais (MT) utilizados para a determinação de características físico-químicas do leite e estimaram-se as correlações entre esses métodos e suas acurácias. As características densidade, extrato seco desengordurado (ESD), teor de proteínas e teor de gordura foram determinadas em 65 amostras de leite cru por ambos os métodos. As densidades médias determinadas pelo US e pelos MT não diferiram entre si (P=0,14), e a correlação encontrada entre os dois métodos para a determinação da densidade não foi significativa (P= 0,08). Os teores médios de ESD, proteína e gordura encontrados pelo US e pelos MT foram diferentes (P=0,04, PThe ultrasonic spectroscopy (US) and the traditional methods (TM) used for the measurement of milk physical-chemical characteristics were studied and the correlations between these methodologies and their accuracies were estimated. Milk density, solids-non-fat (SNF), protein and fat contents were determined in 65 raw milk samples by both methods. Means of density determined by US and TM did not differ (P=0.14), although no significant correlation was found (P=0.08) between the methods used for the determination of this characteristic. Means of SNF, protein and fat contents determined by US and TM differed (P=0.04, P<0.0001 and P<0.0001, respectively). Correlations between both methods used for the analysis of these characteristics were positive and significant (r=0.0109, r=0.0007 and r= <0.0001, respectively), and the accuracies of the methods for these analysis were 0.160, 0.062 and 0.145, respectively. The regression equation of US results on TM for fat content showed a coefficient of determination of 0.5936.