LingVaria (May 2023)
Krakuś, radomek, warszewik i gdańskmen – uwagi o ekspresywnej potencji słowotwórczej wybranych nazw miast
KRAKUŚ, RADOMEK, WARSZEWIK AND GDAŃSKMEN: COMMENTS ON THE EXPRESSIVE VOCABULARY POTENCY OF SELECTED CITY NAMES The article presents the characteristics and analysis of expressive words motivated by the names of places: Brussels, Warsaw, Gdańsk, Kraków, Radom and Kraśnik. The cities with the highest participation in public discourse were selected. These lexemes, apart from their basic meaning, gained secondary meanings, often created as a result of metonymization, stereotyping, and the consolidation of negative associations or connotations. The collected material was grouped and presented in word-formative nests.