Farmacja Polska (Oct 2023)
People's government repression of owners of private pharmacies in 1944-1950
During the first period after seizing power in Poland (as early as 1944), the Communists did not make explicit statements about the economic and political system. The official declarations indicated that political transformations would be carried out with due respect for the traditional structure of the state. Once the Communists crushed the legal opposition in 1947, society became the party's opponent. Successive groups of Polish society were labeled "aliens," "reactivists," "enemies of the nation and the state," and persecuted. The instrument through which the "people's government" carried out its tasks and persecutions was the law, which secured the interests of the ruling class. After the Second World War (since 1945), new private pharmacies were opened in Poland, despite fears of their nationalization, which pharmacists voiced in private conversations. Upon obtaining licenses, owners of private pharmacies renovated and opened them with their own financial resources. However, this was not an easy task, as there was a severe shortage of professional pharmaceutical personnel and those graduating from pharmacy schools were then sent to work in state pharmacies. Private owners of pharmacies also faced the problem of a shortage of medicines and the difficulty of buying them from wholesalers. This was a deliberate action of the "people's government". The only state pharmaceutical wholesaler that existed at the time, "Centrosan", supplied mostly state pharmacies. Financial repression against the owners of private pharmacies included excessive financial burdens on their owners, the handing out of demands by tax offices to private pharmacies to increase their declared turnover and income, the restriction of credit benefits for private pharmacies that had difficulty obtaining bank loans, and the delay by state institutions in paying their dues to private pharmacies, which caused the capital of these pharmacies to be frozen for several months. Owners of private pharmacies were also accused in trumped-up trials of, among other things, buying drugs on the "black market" or selling drugs to unauthorized persons. There were verdicts sentencing pharmacists to up to a dozen months in prison, which was also widely reported in the daily press. All the actions described above by the "people's government" against the owners of private pharmacies were aimed at destroying the free profession of pharmacy in Poland, breaking down the mental toughness of pharmacists, creating hostility and condemnation by society. The government succeeded in creating the right atmosphere among the pharmacy profession and carried out the planned state takeover of private pharmacies in the first days of 1951. The aim of this work is to show the repression against private pharmacy owners who, according to the then "people's power", did not fit into the central management of the health service and the centrally planned economy. The then legal acts from 1939 on the operation of pharmacies served as the basic source for the analysis presented in this work. The legal acts were supplemented with propaganda information provided to pharmacists in the monthly "Farmacja Polska", which was the only pharmaceutical magazine published in Poland at that time. The literature was supplemented with publications presenting the described problem, which were published after 1990.