Nuclear Physics B (Mar 2015)

On the continuity of the commutative limit of the 4d N=4 non-commutative super Yang–Mills theory

  • Masanori Hanada,
  • Hidehiko Shimada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 892
pp. 449 – 474


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We study the commutative limit of the non-commutative maximally supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory in four dimensions (N=4 SYM), where non-commutativity is introduced in the two spacelike directions. The commutative limits of non-commutative spaces are important in particular in the applications of non-commutative spaces for regularisation of supersymmetric theories (such as the use of non-commutative spaces as alternatives to lattices for supersymmetric gauge theories and interpretations of some matrix models as regularised supermembrane or superstring theories), which in turn can play a prominent role in the study of quantum gravity via the gauge/gravity duality. In general, the commutative limits are known to be singular and non-smooth due to UV/IR mixing effects. We give a direct proof that UV effects do not break the continuity of the commutative limit of the non-commutative N=4 SYM to all order in perturbation theory, including non-planar contributions. This is achieved by establishing the uniform convergence (with respect to the non-commutative parameter) of momentum integrals associated with all Feynman diagrams appearing in the theory, using the same tools involved in the proof of finiteness of the commutative N=4 SYM.