Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Mar 2013)
14C(11B, 9Be)16N reaction mechanisms and potential of the 9Be + 16N interaction
New experimental data for differential cross sections of the 14С(11B, 9Be)16N reaction were measured for the ground states of 9Be and 16N nuclei as well as for the excited states of 16N at the energy Elab.(11В) = 45 MeV. The reaction data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction channels method (CRC) for one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters. In the CRC-calculations, the optical potential deduced from the analysis of the 11В + 14С elastic scattering data was used for the entrance reaction channel. Needed spectroscopic amplitudes of nucleons and clusters in nuclei were calculated within shell-model. 9Ве + 16N optical potential parameters were deduced by fitting CRC cross-sections to the 14С(11B, 9Be)16N reaction data. Contributions of one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters into the 14С(11B, 9Be)16N reaction cross-sections were obtained.