International experience the use of benchmarking
A set of specific methods, approaches, techniques and forms used by an enterprise to introduce an innovative component, in accordance with certain criteria and objectives, form a model of growth of the economic potential of the enterprise, which makes it possible to perform certain tasks individually defined by each enterprise, taking into account the peculiarities of its financial and economic activity, which make up development strategies, as well as the conditions of the entrepreneurial environment. Crisis phenomena in the world and the domestic economy, the decline in the level of competitiveness of the country update the search for research tools and the introduction of innovative ways of development of both the national economy and individual enterprises. One of the modern tools of business management in the enterprise is benchmarking, that is, management technology of research and introduction of innovative experience in order to increase efficiency of activity and achieve the declared mission. In addition, with the globalization of the world market, enterprises must simultaneously improve the quality of their products, reduce their production costs and offer sufficiently differentiated products to best meet existing demand. The use of benchmarking gives the enterprise the opportunity to borrow the best experience of domestic and foreign companies. As a result, the enterprise will be able to strengthen its competitive position, as well as to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction. Therefore, the methodology of forming and implementing a benchmarking strategy is becoming increasingly popular. Borrowing worked and proven experience helps to reduce risk, allows entrepreneurs to avoid many mistakes, reduce the time and financial costs associated with acquiring their own experience through experiments. Especially it should be noted that the use of benchmarking allows the enterprise to form its own team, to develop experience in carrying out organizational changes, thus creating a basis for further improvement of organization and management, counting on its own forces. On the other hand, in the face of globalization and tight international competition, the chances of successful competition in world markets are decreasing for many countries every year. The way out of this situation is integration with the level of development of States and transition to an innovative path of development. A condition for such a transition is targeted innovation policies and unified innovation legislation based on the world 's best innovative practices. This is the path the European Union has taken, facing fierce competition from the US and Japan. Ukraine, which also has the chance to take a worthy place in the world 's innovative processes, adequate to its intellectual and scientific potential, should be on the same path.