Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University (Aug 2021)
A Comparison of Knowledge about Traffic Rules Attitudes towards Safe Driving Behaviours of Abiding Traffic Rules and Behaviours of Avoiding Responsibility for Traffic Violations of Students at Udon Thani Rajabhat University
This study compared knowledge about traffic rules, attitudes towards safe driving, behaviours of abiding by traffic rules, and behaviours of avoiding responsibility for traffic violations among 720 undergraduate students of Udon Thani Rajabhat University, who had different genders, licenses, and histories of accidents. The research instruments for collecting the data consisted ofanassessment form of knowledge about traffic rules, aquestionnaire on the attitudes towards safe driving, and an assessment form of traffic and responsibility behaviours. The results revealed that female students had more traffic compliance behaviours than male students with statistical significance at the.05 level. However, the male students were more likely to avoid responsibility for traffic violations than were female students with statistical significance at the.05 level. Moreover, students with a driver’s license had behaviours in greater compliance with traffic rules and knowledge of traffic rules than those students who did not have driving licenses, with statistical significance at the.01 level. Students who had no injuries from accidents had less traffic-compliant behaviours than those who had stayed in hospital with a statistical significance at the.05 level. The results of study found differences driving behaviours linked to gender and having / not having a driving license. It is important to define guidelines to promote and support students’ driving citizen prototype.