Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast (Sep 2018)
State of Development of the Information Society in Slovenia, Croatia and Poland in Comparison with the EU Average
The article touches on the area of increasing significance which is information society development. The main aim of the article is to present the development of information society Slovenia, Croatia and Poland on the background of the EU average. The analysis will cover selected indicators characterizing important areas of the digital society: broadband network coverage, digital competences of the society, share of people and households using the Internet and their main information and communication services as well as involvement of enterprises in Internet activities and their use of innovative information and communication services. Main used methods are deduction, induction and comparative analysis of different reports concerning digital society development in Slovenia, Croatia and Poland. In writing this article, the author uses also a critical review of the literature, to present current knowledge about the nature of and reasons for digital society development, synthesis, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the Slovenian, Croatian, Polish and EU digital society state and an indication of the primary current dilemmas. While writing the article the author benefits from the domestic and foreign literature, studies carried out by institutes in European research programs commissioned by the EU as well as from the legal acts and documents of the EU