Revista Vasca de Administración Pública (Apr 2015)

Consecuencias de la Ley 27/2013, de Racionalización y Sostenibilidad de la Administración Local, en el régimen local de Cataluña

  • Josep Ramon Fuentes i Gasó

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 101, no. Administración local
pp. 55 – 88


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This study deals with the impact of the local reform operated by means of Act 27/2013 of December 27th, on the rationalisation and sustainability of the Administration (LRSAL) within the local regime of Catalonia in the light of the Statute of Autonomy of 2006. Particularly, the possible implications for the territory organization are analyzed with special attention to the supramunicipal level and the tensions between the Provincial Councils and the Councils of the Vicarage focusing on the so called «unowned or complementary competences». Finally it is addressed the failed attempt to close the effects of the LSAL by means of a Catalan Decree-Law 3/2014 not converted by the Catalonian parliament.
