NSC Nursing (Mar 2022)
Assessing the outcome of admissions: Pilot study in a High Intensity Psychiatric Residential Facility
Background: The Italian health system related to mental disorders is currently experiencing a period of radical reforms. This process began in 1978 with the adoption of the law 180 which produced a radical reform in mental health care. The problems of the continuous confrontation with increasing levels of expenditure are reflected in the search for models to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system. Among these, the value creation model proposes to optimize the relationship between effectiveness, quality, and appropriateness of care on the one hand, and efficiency, cost and how resources are used on the other. The intervention involves redesigning services on the principles of recovery; implementing treatments supported by scientific evidence; encouraging processes of social inclusion. The proposed rehabilitation interventions are recovery oriented that place the person at the center of his rehabilitation path, motivating him in assuming responsibility for the treatment proposed during hospitalization. Objective: Evaluate the impact of the organisational reorganisation of the DSM S.R.R Regional Health Service of Ancona Area Vasta 2 by introducing evidence-based and recovery-oriented practices through the evaluation of clinical outcomes and psychosocial functioning. Methods: Longitudinal descriptive observational study with evaluation of a cohort of 13 patients, hospitalized in residential and semi-residential care at SRP1 “Casa Rossa” Area Vasta 2 of Ancona, by administration of a questionnaire (HoNOS) at the time of recruitment (February 2019), at 6 months (August 2019) and at 12 months (February 2020). The 12 items of the questionnaire were grouped into four subsets: behavioural problems (items 1-3), deficits and disabilities (items 4-5), psychopathological symptoms (items 6-8) and relational/environmental problems (items 9-12). Results: Survey results show a reduction in mean scores at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline in all subscales. Conclusions: Intensive mental health residential facilities need to put more effort into evaluating effectiveness in practice, using appropriate tools for outcome assessment and analysis of results. It is possible, in daily clinical practice, to evaluate the outcome of admissions in order to satisfactorily describe the changes induced during the period of hospitalization.