Environmental Health Engineering and Management (Feb 2023)

Phytoremediation by using Atriplex halimus subsp. schweinfurthii as a bio-absorbent of Cadmium in the soil

  • Abdelghafour Doghbage,
  • Hassen Boukerker,
  • Fathi Abdellatif Belhouadjeb,
  • Bouzid Nedjimi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1
pp. 17 – 22


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Background: The problem of soil contamination is a major concern of emerging countries. Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, and mercury cannot be biodegraded, and therefore, persist in the environment for long periods. It has become essential to develop efficient techniques for decontamination of polluted soils. One of these techniques, phytoremediation, is economically viable and compatible with environmental preservation policies. The application of phytoremediation in salty areas requires the use of plants that are able to tolerate heavy metals and high soil salinity. Atriplex halimus is one of the species with a great purification potential, which is a spontaneous halophyte species, and endowed with a fairly important aerial and root biomass. This study aimed to determine the effect of cadmium sulfate (CdSO4) on the germination and growth of A. halimus, and to assess its ability to accumulate cadmium and proline. Methods: This is an experimental study of the tolerance of A. halimus to increasing concentrations of CdSO4 by an in vivo test. This study aimed to assess the degree of tolerance of this perennial species towards different concentrations of CdSO4. Results: The results show a non-significant effect of CdSO4 on the seed germination rate and growth of the aerial and root parts. However, a significant accumulation of proline was observed especially in the aerial part, whereas the highest cadmium content was recorded at the roots. Conclusion: According to the results, this species can be used in phytoremediation to decontaminate soils contaminated by heavy metals.
