Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana (Jan 2010)
Competencias conductuales, estrés y calidad de vida en personas VIH+ 100% adherentes. Un análisis en función del estadio clínico de infección
A cross-sectional study was carried out with themain objective to assess the effects of psychologicalvariables on quality of life in terms on the clinicalstage of the infection among 51 HIV+ persons,whom were 100% adherent. The physical health dimensionyielded results as follows: in clinical stageA an effect of current behavioral competencies wasobserved (F [1, 13] = 13,372; p < 0,001); in stage B,effects included low stress-related factors with oftolerance to ambiguity and tolerance to frustration(F [2, 17] = 19,648; p < 0,001), and in stage C noeffect was apparent. For the dimension of psychologicalhealth, results revealed: in clinical stage A,an effect of current behavioral competencies (F[1, 13] = 4,899; p < 0,05); in B, stage no effect wasfound, whereas in stage C low stress-related toleranceto ambiguity had an effect (F [1, 14] = 4,906;p < 0,05). The study suggests defi nitely effects ofpsychological variables on quality of life, includingboth physical and psychological dimensions, withdifferential role in function of the clinical stage ofthe infection. Some implications are discussed forthe development of intervention programs, aimedat improving adherence to medical treatment andquality of life among HIV+ persons.