Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi (Apr 2009)
Şehir İçi İkametgâh Hareketliliğine Kuramsal Bir Bakış
‘Human capital approach’, considers migration or residential mobility as the result of rational decision making and utility maximisation process. Within a neo-classical economic framework, mobility is described principally as labour movement. Rossi suggested that residential mobility is a process by which families adjust their housing to the housing needs that are generated by the shifts in family composition that accompany life cycle changes. In migration and mobility researches, the interest in the behavioural approach derives largely from a theorical paper by Wolpert, in which the decision to migrate was conceptualized in term of ‘place utility’. As defined by Wolpert, the term refers to an individual’s personal evaluation of the attractiveness or unattractiveness of a location relative to other locations. Another framework that developed in sociology and planning views mobility as an outcome of dissatisfaction with characteristics of the house or neighbourhood. In the literature on dissatisfaction approaches, the current residential environment interacts with the household to produce stress or dissatisfaction and when this dissatisfaction reaches some threshold the household then begins a search process that may lead to a residential move. This paper examines literature about migration, residential mobility, and relocation and presents a contextual framework for understanding the process of residential mobility