Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (Jan 2022)
COVID-19 suspicion and diagnosis in pregnancy: A big conundrum!
Introduction: This article aims to discuss all the challenges faced in the diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnancy, isolation of suspected and positive patients, their management, and the strategies to prevent the transmission of infection among the healthy population and medical fraternity. The diagnosis of COVID in pregnancy is influenced by many factors, including normal physiological changes in pregnancy, comorbid conditions associated with pregnancy, and the presence of asymptomatic infection in patients. Suspicion of COVID-19 in pregnant females is of utmost importance at a primary health center for risk mitigation of exposure to medical personnel. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in the labour room in a tertiary care center in India. Two groups were made, suspected COVID and confirmed COVID in pregnant patients. The case records were analysed. Results: Out of a total of 5164 admissions, 95 patients were admitted as suspected (1.8%), but only two patients were COVID-positive amongst them. 84% of COVID-positive patients were asymptomatic. Fever was the most common symptom in both groups (P-value: 0.15). Preeclampsia and anaemia were the most common comorbidities in both groups, not statistically significant. There were 32% of intensive acre unit (ICU) admissions in suspected COVID patients, and 77% of them were having respiratory distress. Conclusion: COVID-19 presents as an asymptomatic infection in most pregnant patients. Physiological changes to the cardiorespiratory and immune systems along with associated comorbidities in pregnancy, increase a woman's susceptibility and delay diagnosis. Consideration of patients as suspected COVID at triage stations on the basis of only contact or travel history poses a great burden on the health care system. Although triage is an essential tool to identify symptomatic COVID patients, universal testing strategies should continue simultaneously. Streamlining medical care professionals into self-sufficient teams ensures adequate clinical coverage amongst the suspected COVID, confirmed COVID, and routine labour room admissions.