European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Sep 2017)
One-loop light-cone QCD, effective action for reggeized gluons and QCD RFT calculus
Abstract The effective action for reggeized gluons is based on the gluodynamic Yang–Mills Lagrangian with external current for longitudinal gluons added, see Lipatov (Nucl Phys B 452:369, 1995; Phys Rep 286:131, 1997; Subnucl Ser 49:131, 2013; Int J Mod Phys Conf Ser 39:1560082, 2015; Int J Mod Phys A 31(28/29):1645011, 2016; EPJ Web Conf 125:01010, 2016). On the base of classical solutions, obtained in Bondarenko et al. (Eur Phys J C 77(8):527, 2017), the one-loop corrections to this effective action in light-cone gauge are calculated. The RFT calculus for reggeized gluons similarly to the RFT introduced in Gribov (Sov Phys JETP 26:414, 1968) is proposed and discussed. The correctness of the results is verified by calculation of the propagators of $$A_{+}$$ A + and $$A_{-}$$ A - reggeized gluons fields and application of the obtained results is discussed as well.