L'Analisi linguistica e letteraria (Jan 2011)
Elementi connettivi nel discorso argomentativo e marche dell’argomentatività nella lingua russa [Соединительные элементы в аргументативном дискурсе и показате-ли аргументативности в русском языке]
The article focuses on linguistic markers of argumentation in Russian and on the cues they can provide for the reconstruction of standpoints and arguments in argumentative discourse. The analysis of the constitutive relations of argumentative discourse is carried out within the broader perspective of Congruity Theory, a semantic-pragmatic approach to text cohesion which allows to identify the specificity of argumentative speech acts. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of the argumentative speech act of conclusion and of the modal marker used in Russian for its linguistic manifestation, described also in its contrastive aspects. Some considerations are finally developed on the possible implications of the characterization of argumentative speech acts for the description of Russian language, in particular for the semasiological analysis of the communicative functions of Russian discourse particles.