Revista Principia (May 2017)
Conflitos decorrentes da ocupação do solo nas margens da represa Guarapiranga, no município de Embu Guaçu, em consonância com a legislação ambiental vigente
The Forest Code (Federal Law 12.651/12) defined limits for the occupation and use of soil, creating the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), because the occupation and human activities, exercised on the banks of the great water-supply reservoirs, increases constantly, impairing the quality of water, the flora and fauna, phenomenon known as anthropic activity. The Guarapiranga Reservoir is located in the southwest of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo; covering part of the Cotia, Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, Juquitiba, São Lourenço da Serra, Embu Guaçu and São Paulo municiçpalities. The objective of this study is to observe the situation of the area covered by surroundings of the Guarapiranga Reservoir and its tributary basin, in particular in the Embu Guaçu municipality, as regards the use of water and soil occupation, in line with the Brazilian Forest Code and relevant legislation. They were used geo-processing techniques to define the use of the banks of the reservoir within the Area of Permanent Protection (with 100 meters in rural areas and 30 meters in urban). This delimitation was carried out on Google Earth a program QGIS. This application of geoprocessing technique was accompanied by field work through which it was possible, to analyze the occupation and soil use in the study area. As final result, it was observed that, except special cases, the law determining the use of soil within the Permanent Preservation Areas, is being respected in the municipality of Embu Guaçu.