Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriâ 3, Èkonomika,Èkologiâ (May 2015)
The Peculiarities of Cluster Formation in the Russian Nanotechnology Industry
The innovative development of the Russian economy in modern conditions should be based on the development of advanced nanotechnology. The formation of the nanotechnology industry in Russia requires optimal organization, the development of networking, the search for new forms of integrating the primary and secondary productions. The cluster organization in nanotech industry is based on high-tech production and has a number of advantages: uncertainty elimination, restriction of the competition by monopolization of supply with raw materials and semi-finished products, improvement of quality and decrease in expenses. The main forms of interaction of the enterprises and organizations which are a part of a nanoindustrial cluster are allocated. The article describes the peculiarities of the Russian nanoidustry formation, determines the significance of the cluster policy in this sphere. The author develops the criteria for identifying the nanoclusters on the basis of the basic nanotechnology and the nomenclature of final product. The author also proposes the approach to the analysis of cluster interaction and determines the boundaries of the cluster based on the difference between system and quasisystem cluster interaction. In this regard it is necessary to consider possibilities of the analysis of both system, and quasisystem interaction of the main participants of a nanoindustrial cluster.