KözigazgatásTudomány (Dec 2023)
A hatósági és a közigazgatási szerződések gyakorlata a határon innen és túl (The practice of authority and administrative contracts in domestic and foreign case law)
A special type of decision in the administrative authority procedures is the authority contract, which is still relatively new in Hungary, as it was implemented into our legal system with the entry into force of the previous Act on Administrative Procedures and Services. However, in the international arena, the emergence of this legal institution goes back further in time. In our study, we will look at the international practice of administrative and authority contracts, comparing the common and different elements that can be observed between the rules of domestic and foreign states. In addition to the practical approach, we also focus on theoretical issues. In Hungary, these legal instruments are still new and have not yet been widely applied by the legislator. In our study, we will examine the practices of some countries, which could serve as a model for our legislation.