Distances et Médiations des Savoirs (Apr 2016)

Diriger les mémoires à distance à l’université : un levier pour la compréhension d’une dimension du métier d’universitaire ?

  • Emmanuelle Annoot,
  • Jean-Yves Bodergat

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13


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The transition from face-to-face class to distance education produces a series of “provocations” (Jacquinot, 2010) in universities that we will study. Our study aims at supervising students from South-East Asia working on a research paper. These students are enrolled directly in the second year of a masters program and are trained by academics belonging to a French educational sciences department, under an agreement between universities. What are the “provocations” (Jacquinot, 2010) caused by distance education in this activity? Our explanatory hypothesis is that distance exposes pedagogical guidelines through the identification of academics’ strategies to compensate for their absence.
