Tropicultura (Jan 2006)
Influence de Boscia senegalensis (Pers) Lam. Ex Poir. (Capparaceae) sur les capacités de dispersion de Dinarmus basalis Rond. (Hymenoptera- Pteromalidae) dans les systèmes de stockage traditionnels de niébé
Impact of Boscia senegalensis (Pers) Lam. Ex Poir. (Capparaceae) on the Dispersion Capacities of Dinarmus basalis Rond. (Hymenoptera- Pteromalidae) in Traditional Storage System. In this study, the impact of Boscia senegalensis (Pers) Lam. Ex Poir. (Capparaceae) on dispersion capacities of Dinarmus basalis Rond (Hymenoptera-Pteromalidae), a solitary ectoparasitoïd of the development stages of bruchid pests of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp), within a traditional storage system is analysed. The results point out that, whatever the position of the treated patch, females of D. basalis are able to move between seeds of cowpea and some of them are able to localize and parasitize their hosts. In a non choice situation, the rates of parasitism observed were less important than the ones obtained when the patchs were not treated with B. senegalensis. Nevertheless in situation of choice, females seem to avoid the patch treated with the insecticidal plant B. senegalensis.