Politeja (Feb 2019)

Przestrzeń fizyczna i bariery mentalne w doświadczeniu emigrantów rosyjskich ("Grzybowstąpienie" Zinowija Zinika)

  • Katarzyna Anna Duda

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1(58)


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Physical Space and Mental Barriers in Russian Emigrants’ Experience ("The Mushroom Picker" by Zinovyi Zynyck) Taking into account the novel "The Mushroom Picker" there are a lot of kinds of the word “frontier”. Their meaning depends on a question: what we would like to express using them. Not only does the Russian author write about space borders between countries but he considers mental barriers as well. In his opinion, the latter ones are drastically more dangerous because they often lead to arguments and even wars between nations which have no knowledge and understanding of different cultures. The main character of the novel shows the reader both Soviet and English reality. The capital cities of these countries – Moscow and London – are presented critically. The citizens of both countries do not trust each other, and do not even try to know anything about different conditions in which they live. The protagonists are proud only of their own culture and history, and do not respect other nations. There are not any spiritual values, friendship and agreement among people. In this way "The Mushroom Picker" turned to be very pessimistic.
