E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2020)
Characteristics of Diatom Assemblages in Surface Sediments of the new Yongding River and Haihe River Estuaries, Tianjin
Diatom analysis was conducted on the surface sediments from the estuaries of the new Yongding River and Haihe River in Tianjin. The results showed that the main diatom assemblages in the new Yongding River was Navicula marina-Auliscus caelatus-Coscinodiscus hirosakiensis-Coscinodiscusoculus-iridis and Auliscus caelatus- Coscinodiscusoculus-iridis-Cyclotella meneghiniana-Cyclotella stylorum in the Haihe River. There was saprophilous taxa, Cyclotella meneghiniana, in both estuaries indicating that the two estuaries were polluted to a certain degree.