Problemi Ekonomiki (Jun 2019)
Problems of and Prospects for the Development of the Metallurgical Industry in Ukraine
The current state of and trends in the development of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine and the world are investigated. There identified the reasons for the slowdown in the development of domestic metallurgical enterprises: outdated technologies, lack of effective regional programs to support the development of the industry, small range of products, need to comply with the international quality standards, increased competition in the market, depreciation of fixed assets, low investment attractiveness of the industry. In 2018, the share of exports to the EU countries in the total Ukrainian metallurgical exports amounted to 34 %, to Turkey – 13 %. The activities of enterprises of the metallurgical industry are analyzed, and promising areas in the development of the industry in the modern Ukrainian economy are justified. The constraints in the development of the metallurgy industry are determined, and recommendations for their elimination are given. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to improve the state of the domestic metallurgical industry. Ukraine should adopt the experience of the world leader – China and establish a full production cycle in the country, improve the scientific, technical and engineering base, expand the cooperation with the chemical industry to improve the properties of steel, cast iron, etc. One of the first steps should be the creation of a state regulatory body which will regulate the activities of metallurgical enterprises; ensure the introduction of new energy-saving and environmental technologies; organize cooperation with investors aimed at purchasing new equipment, which will facilitate the production of high-quality competitive products by domestic enterprises and will strengthen market positions but not only serve as a raw materials appendage for other countries.