Literatura Mexicana (Apr 2015)
Eligio Ancona
After some data about the biography and novel of Eligio Ancona,three editions of Memorias de un alférez are described; some of the variations areexamined through which it is shown that the most imperfect was that preparedby Antonio Castro Leal in 1964 for his edition of La novela del México colonial,among other reasons, for having used as a base text the edition of EditorialYucatanense “Club del Libro” (Book Club), published in 1950; for not havingconsulted the editio princeps, published by José María Pino Suárez in 1904; andfor having corrected the text according to certain grammatical prejudices.An edition is proposed which establishes its critical text based on the editioprinceps, the closest to the final artistic choice of the author; and which would bepresented accompanying a series of lexical and generally cultural notes, whichmay situate the work in its historical and literary circumstance.