Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2008)

教師理解與課程發展:另類高中科學課程評鑑之個案研究Teacher Understanding and Curriculum Development: An Alternative Approach of Curriculum Evaluation of A Science High School

  • 高熏芳Hsun-Fung Kitty Kao,
  • 邱瑋芸Wei-Yun Chiu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 1 – 25


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行政院國科會科教處為加強科技紮根的工作,在2005年規劃「高中職科學與科技課程研究發展實驗計畫」(簡稱高瞻計畫),強調藉由高中與大學或研究機構建立夥伴關係的方式,改進高中數理及科技課程的教學品質、強化學生的科學素養,並讓學生體驗科學研究工作之樂趣。此計畫積極推動「由下而上」的學校本位課程發展,擺脫傳統「由上往下」的方式,使教師不再僅是課程教材的使用者,而期望教師能自行主導與發展其學校特色的課程,以減少課程理論與教學實務之間的落差。然而,研究指出教師身為學校本位課程的發展與實施者,其對於課程的定義與知覺、專業知能、教學信念、教學經驗,以及對於科學本質、知識論的信念與各種策略的運用,均將影響課程與教學的方向、品質與評量的標準。也有研究指出,大多數的教育人員缺乏學校本位課程發展的知能與經驗,而科學教師雖具備科學學科專業知識,卻缺乏課程發展的相關知能。因此,高中科學教師在「高瞻計畫」期望教師進行學校本位課程發展的情況下,其教師理解與課程發展的品質究竟如何,是值得加以探究的。 本研究之目的為探討高中科學教師對於學校本位課程發展的理解樣貌,以深度訪談、觀察與文件分析等方式蒐集資料,探究教師理解與課程發展之間的關係。本研究針對教師對於課程發展過程的理解、自我與他人的理解、課程發展環境的理解進行探討。研究發現如下:(一)教師對於課程發展過程的理解:1.內容的選擇以臺灣目前所著重的科技,以及課本中鮮少提及的知識為主;2.策略的擬定以做中學與問題導向的指引為主;3.教師認為評鑑的執行是不容易的,且需要經驗的累積。(二)教師對於他人與自我的理解:1.教師認為學生缺乏「新興科學技術」的先備知識,而大部分的家長只關心學生的升學;2.教師認為同儕對話與校內發表,可以幫助自我反思與提供課程修訂的機會。(三)教師對於課程發展環境的理解:1.教師認為應該以「由下而上」的素材發展取代「由上而下」的課程發展;2.教師認為學校的定位為科學高中,理應以「新興科學技術」為主,來進行課程發展;3.教師認為學校課程發展的條件與理由,不能成為其課程發展強而有力的支持。本研究結果期望提供其他課程發展與教學者,從不同的角度去觀察與解釋課程評鑑,並擴大其對於課程的瞭解,以獲得更好的課程與教學品質。 In order to enhance the learning of emergent science and technology at Taiwan, the Department of Science Education in National Science Council initiated a so called “Project of High Scope” since 2005. It emphasizes the establishment of the partnership between senior high schools and universities or research organizations to improve the quality of teaching in science through the development of new school-based curriculum. The school-based curriculum is intended to actively promote the “bottom up” curriculum development model which empowers teachers to work out professional autonomy. However, in order to reduce the gap between theory and practice, it is expected that teachers can deeply theorize the purposes of curriculum and actualize their ideal of instruction by themselves. The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers’ belief and value of the curriculum as well as their understanding of the curriculum development. The study looks into teachers understanding of curriculum content, curriculum development process, teacher self vs. students, as well as the school context. The study applies case study techniques such as observation, interview and archive analysis to come to a holistic interpretation of the curriculum development from teacher’s perspectives. The results of the study will provide suggestions for the further curriculum development of the case school as well as the improvement of the quality of “High Scope Project”.
