ACROSS (Feb 2022)

Limba română – mijloc de integrare socio-culturală a tinerilor din Republica Moldova aici și acum?

  • Viorica GORAȘ-POSTICĂ, Prof.,
  • Silvia NASTASIU

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2


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The article presents the results of a pedagogical study conducted by the authors among more than 160 students of the USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu", based on a questionnaire with different items, in terms of structure and perspective of problem-solving. As at the present stage, in the social-political environment, there are many contradictory discussions on the issue of knowledge/use of Romanian as an official language of the Republic of Moldova and of interethnic communication, it was intended to collect opinions and current attitudes of other young people in the given field. The synthesis of the answers obtained reveals certain positive aspects, constructive attitudes, but also pressing problems, which continue to polarise society, including in university and professional circles, according to linguistic criteria.
