AIP Advances (May 2017)
Spin transport in antiferromagnetic NiO and magnetoresistance in Y3Fe5O12/NiO/Pt structures
We have studied spin transport and magnetoresistance in yttrium iron garnet (YIG)/NiO/Pt trilayers with varied NiO thickness. To characterize the spin transport through NiO we excite ferromagnetic resonance in YIG with a microwave frequency magnetic field and detect the voltage associated with the inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE) in the Pt layer. The ISHE signal is found to decay exponentially with the NiO thickness with a characteristic decay length of 3.9 nm. This is contrasted with the magnetoresistance in these same structures. The symmetry of the magnetoresistive response is consistent with spin-Hall magnetoresistance (SMR). However, in contrast to the ISHE response, as the NiO thickness increases the SMR signal goes towards zero abruptly at a NiO thickness of ≃ 4 nm, highlighting the different length scales associated with the spin-transport in NiO and SMR in such trilayers.