Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Mar 2016)
Liudmyla Tomusiak. Duplexes as a marker of transition in syntax. The functional features of sentences which contain duplexes are considered in the article. Constructions with duplexes are products of syntactic "crossing", interaction of two or more nuclear sentences, which leads to the formation of syntactic unit that simultaneously combines features of simple and complex sentences, that is stands on the border between the sentences of various structures. Being the result of information "consolidation" duplexes as a predicate of reductive predication has a grammatical meaning, but expresses it indirectly through another situation directly correlated with the reality and with the moment of speaking and which is transmitted with the main predication (combination of predictive subject and predicate). So simple sentences with duplex component represent the example of preproposition complication model that are semantically complicated structures which remain simple on a formal level. Semantically complicated sentence is semantic and syntactic derivative, which occupies a transitional zone between the systems of simple and complex sentences. These are sentence that represent asymmetry of the language sign. The content of the sentence is a complex formation which has the objective preproposition and modalcommunicative components. Semantically nonelementary sentence contains a number of proposals. Condensation of mental content and compact of structuresyntactic organization are achieved with the use of such sentences that allows them to perform semantic analogues to the corresponding types of complex sentences. Interpretation of prepropositional structures within a simple sentence can be described as a process of cognition. In this case prepropositional structures in simple sentences should be considered as cognitively complex, because they are given in to "guessing" and "deployment" during the interpretation of communication process. Such structures are compressional versions of complex sentences with not always transparent relations. We believe that such constructions are complicated due to two factors: semantic (presence of two situations or events in the expression) and psychological (ambiguity in the perception of those events). Key words: syntactic transitivity, duplexes, proposition, preproposition, contamination, secondary predication, actantial syntaxeme, actual division. Людмила Томусяк. Дуплексив как маркер переходности в синтаксисе. В статье рассмотрены функциональные особенности предложений, содержащих дуплексив. Доказано, что такие синтаксические построения являются дериватами и находятся на границе между простыми и сложными предложениями, то есть иллюстрируют явление переходности на синтаксическом уровне. Использованием таких предложений достигается конденсация содержания и компактность структурносинтаксической организации, что позволяет им выступать смысловыми аналогами соответствующих типов сложных предложений.Ключевые слова: синтаксическая переходность, дуплексив, пропозиция, полипропозитивность, контаминация, вторичная предикация, актантные синтаксемы, актуальное членение.