Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi (Nov 2016)
Abstrak Kawasan yang berbeda memiliki jenis ketersediaan makanan dan kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda, sehingga diduga perbedaan kawasan akan mempengaruhi karakter morfometrik dari B. asper. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji variasi karakter morfometrik pada B. asper yang berada di dua lokasi berbeda yaitu Universitas Riau (UR) dan Desa Bencah Kelubi (BK) Kampar. Menggunakan metode survey dan koleksi langsung di lapangan. Hasil uji t karakter morfometrik di kedua kawasan berbeda nyata pada JMT, JMH, JMTi, DM dan PJ1KB. Hasil nisbah pada kedua lokasi memiliki status allometrik positif dan negatif. Korelasi karakter B. asper betina di UR memiliki korelasi kuat (LK), sedang (PK, JMT, PM, JMHi, PKB, PT), dan lemah (Pab, PJ1KD, PF, PTJ4). Korelasi karakter B. asper betina di BK memiliki korelasi sangat kuat (PT), kuat (LK, JMHi, PTJ4), sedang (PK, JMT, PM, PF, Pab, PJ1KD) dan lemah (PKB). Korelasi pada B. asper jantan UR memiliki korelasi sangat kuat (PKB), kuat (PF, PTJ4), sedang (PM, JMM, JHT, JMHi, Pab, PT), dan lemah (LK, PJ3KD). Sedangkan di BK memiliki korelasi kuat (LK, PM, JMM, JMHi, Pab, PTJ4), dan sedang (JHT, PJ3KD, PKB, PF, PT). Hasil nisbah kelamin pada UR dan BK yaitu 1,37:1. Abstract Regions have different types of food and environmental conditions, so it is expected that the difference will affect the morphometric characters of a species, including Bufo asper. The aim of this study was to assess the variation in morphometric characteristics of B. asper in two different locations, Universitas Riau (UR) and Bencah Kelubi (BK) village. The research was conducted by methods of survey and direct field collection. The result from the t test on the morphometric characteristics showed that the two regions were significantly different among the JMT, JMH, JMTi, DM and PJ1KB. Ratio of the locations had both positive and negative allometric status. The female characteristics in BK had correlation level of very strong (PT), strong (LK, JMHI, PTJ4), moderate (PK, JMT, PM, PF, Pab, PJ1KD) and weak (PKB). The male in UR had correlation level of very strong (PKB), strong (PF, PTJ4), medium (PM, JMM, JHT, JMHI, Pab, PT), and weak (LK, PJ3KD), while in BK had correlation level of strong (LK, PM, JMM, JMHI, Pab, PTJ4), and medium (JHT, PJ3KD, PKB, PF, PT). Result on the sex ratio in UR and BK was 1.37: 1.