Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Jun 2018)
School of the countryside and the social practice of mathematics education in the design of the school community
Rural Education in Brazil has many challenges to face in order to ensure a proposal for the training of educators combined with the organization of a pedagogical and curricular work that is both countryside and in the countryside. In the specificity of Mathematics Education in the rural context, it is necessary to emphasize methodological proposals aimed at overcoming the mechanical processes of teaching and learning that disregard the world views of the local community. With the objective of finding answers about the conceptions of the school community of a School of the Countryside about the school routine, Mathematics Education and its links with the local context, an investigation was carried out with the management team, teachers and students of the rural school located within the municipality of Nova Laranjeiras/PR. As data collection instruments, questionnaires and audio-video interviews were used. In the analysis of the data, categories supported by the Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (1977) were established. In this context, we analyzed the daily life of this School of the Countryside and how it is inserted in the local context. In addition, the potentialities of Mathematics Education in the attendance of the particular characteristics of Rural Education were verified, having as one of the conclusive elements the presentation of Mathematical Modeling in the perspective of Mathematical Education as a significant methodological alternative for the learning of mathematical contents in the school of the field, since such perspective considers the reality and interests of the school community.