Strides in Development of Medical Education (Dec 2019)

Readiness for Electronic Learning and Ranking of Related Factors Using the Fuzzy PROMETHEE: A Study at Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran

  • Mohammad Mehdi Parhizgar,
  • Amir Fazel,
  • Azin Harandi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1


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Background Electronic learning (e-learning), as a tool for the acquisition of knowledge, is rapidly expanding and evolving, but in order to employ such a project, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and make the right decision, organizations and institutions should carefully analyze the degree of their readiness. Objectives Therefore, the present study aimed at evaluating the readiness of Kerman University of Medical Sciences for e-learning implementation from the viewpoint of faculty members and ranking the identified factors. Methods The present survey was conducted on 402 faculty members at Kerman University of Medical Sciences as the statistical population; however, a total of 196 subjects were selected using Morgan table and stratified random sampling. Data were collected by a questionnaire measuring the readiness of university based on four factors. The viewpoint of eight experts as well as fuzzy preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE) was used to rank the factors. Results All the studied factors, except human resources, had good status and overall readiness of Kerman University of Medical Sciences was at a good level. In addition, ranking of the factors revealed that human resources were the most important factor to assess readiness for e-learning implementation at Kerman University of Medical Sciences. Conclusions According to the viewpoint of faculty members, Kerman University of Medical Sciences is ready for e-learning implementation and no significant difference was found between the academic rank and academic department of faculty members and their attitudes toward e-learning.