Vіsnik Naukovih Doslіdžen' (Jan 2018)
Choledocholithiasis is a common surgical pathology and main cause of nonmalignant obstructive diseases of biliary system. Estimation of the safest method of diagnostics allows reducing the frequency of complications, accuracy of diagnostics and unnecessary economic expenses. The aim of the study – to determine the most optimal methods for diagnosing choledocholithiasis on the basis of the analysis of literature data. Materials and Methods. According to the data of literature for 5-year period, the experience of diagnostics of choledocholithiasis has been analyzed. Comparative analysis of different instrumental methods of diagnostics of choledocholithiasis has been performed. Results and Discussion. For now there is no final decision about certain method of choledocholithiasis diagnostics. Different researches show ambiguous data of sensitivity and specificity of both invasive and non-invasive techniques. Conclusions. Scientific experience shows, that non-invasive diagnostic methods of choledocholithiasis and more perspective due to the absence of surgical intervention, complications and wide spectrum of possibilities of their improving. It is noteworthy, that prevalent are magnetic-resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound diagnostics, which are the most informative and highly specific diagnostic methods with less quantity of complications.