Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem ()

Construction and validation of checklist for disinfecting ambulances to transport Covid-19 patients

  • Ana Carla Silva Alexandre,
  • Nelson Miguel Galindo Neto,
  • Maria Aparecida de Souza Silva,
  • Dária Catarina Silva Santos,
  • Josicleide Montenegro da Silva Guedes Alcoforado,
  • Daniela Bezerra de Melo



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ABSTRACT Objective To build and validate a checklist for disinfecting ambulances transporting patients with Covid-19. Method Methodological study composed by the construction of a checklist and validation by 42 professionals, of which 35 professionals had expertise in patient transport/transfer and seven in hospital infection control. The item with a minimum agreement of 80% was considered valid, based on the Content Validation Index and binomial test. Results The checklist had the steps performed for terminal disinfection of ambulances. It had 54 items, which included the personal protective equipment and used materials, disinfection of the driver's cabin, equipment, and the patient care cabin. The minimum agreement obtained was 85% and the mean of the Content Validation Index was 0.96. Conclusion The checklist was considered valid in terms of content and can be used to disinfect ambulances transporting patients with Covid-19.
