Психологическая наука и образование (Jan 2019)
Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale
The article presents results of developing the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale for primary school children based on MSLSS by E.S.Huebner.The questionnaire involves five scales: Family, School, Teachers, Myself, Friends as well as an overall index of life satisfaction.The reliability and validity of the questionnaire are demonstrated on the sample of primary school children (third and fourth grades, N=483).Five factor structure is confirmed by the results of confirmatory factor analysis.All the scales have high reliability (0.82 < α < 0.89) and show expected correlations with other indicators of subjective well-being and different scales of self-esteem (as assessed by Dembo-Rubinstein technique).The article contains the text of the questionnaire and normative data for primary school children.