Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета: Серия I. Богословие, философия (Dec 2020)
Genesis of the term noosphere and its use by P. Teilhard de Chardin and V. I. Vernadsky
This article reconstructs the genesis of the term noosphere and its understanding by P. Teilhard de Chardin and V. I. Vernadsky. The article demonstrates that the main difference in the concepts of noosphere of V. I. Vernadsky and P. Teilhard de Chardin initially originates from their diff erent interpretations of the concept biosphere and their opposing opinions about the fi nal stage of historical process. The author of this article disagrees with the point of view according to which V. I. Vernadsky was very little infl uenced by Teilhard de Chardin. Besides, the article identifi es their similar and dissimilar points as to the idea of noosphere. It shows the continuity of views of E. Leroy and Teilhard de Chardin on the phenomenon of noosphere. Besides, it pays attention to the infl uence of Revd. P. Florensky on Vernadsky. The former proposed the term pneumatosphere which is similar to the term noosphere. The article claims that the opinion of F. T. Yanshina about the independence of Vernadsky from the infl uence of philosophical views of Teilhard de Chardin is wrong, though this opinion is popular in Russian studies of Teilhard de Chardin and Vernadsky. The article shows that Teilhard de Chardin develops the conception of noosphere independently of Vernadsky. It argues that it was he who authored the term noosphere and not E. Leroy, as many Russian authors think. The article concludes that Vernadsky’s reception of the idea of noosphere and pneumatosphere demonstrates this scholar’s openness to ideas that are explicitly or implicitly religion-related. However, it does not seem possible to correlate Vernadsky’s world outlook with taking this fact into account. In conclusion, the article proposes a possibility of correlating the two theories of noosphere for creating a holistic conception which would describe the impact of human mind on biosphere.