Acta Médica Portuguesa (Apr 1990)
Angiografia de radionuclídos de equílibrio em doentes com enfarte do miocárdio prévio. Correlação com o electrocardiograma e a coronariografia.
Fifty five patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI), 47 male and 8 female, mean age 55.5 +/- 8.9 years, have been studied in order to correlate the alterations found on the equilibrium (gated) radionuclide angiogram (RNA) with the location of the MI on the electrocardiogram of the obstructive lesions on coronary angiographies. Of the 55 patients studied, 22% showed no regional wall motion abnormalities (WMA). Both MI with and without Q wave may show WMA, which are significatively more frequent in patients with anterior MI on the ECG and with occlusive lesions (greater than 90%) on coronariographies. Regional localization of the WMA on the RNA does not identify the localization of the obstructive lesions. Hypokinesia was the most frequent type of WMA found both with occlusive (greater than 90%) and sub-occlusive (greater than 75%) lesions. Low values of the ejection fraction (less than 45%) were found in the presence of WMA and occlusive artery lesions.