Scientific Dental Journal (Jan 2021)

A comparison between panoramic radiography and dental study model for space maintainer

  • Muhammad Chair Effendi,
  • Berty Pramartika,
  • Dini Rachmawati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3
pp. 115 – 121


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Background: A space maintainer is an appliance used to maintain the jaw space due to the premature loss of deciduous teeth. Moyer’s method is used to determine the need for a space maintainer by measuring the discrepancy. Objective: The aim of this article is to determine the difference between measurements using Moyer’s method on a dental study model and on panoramic radiographs. Methods: Researchers measured the available space in 60 dental study models using two methods—the segmental method and contouring of the jaw arch using a 0.6 mm diameter arch wire. Moyer’s prediction table was used to predict the mesial-distal width of the permanent canines and premolars. Software ImageJ (SIJ) was used to measure the available space and required space on panoramic radiographs. We performed image calibration so that the measurement results could be presented in millimeters. Results: There was no significant difference (P = 0.935) in the discrepancy prediction between the panoramic radiographs and the dental study model. The Bland—Altman test result showed no significant difference, and the conformity between the panoramic radiographs and the dental study model was 0.02770. The sensitivity and specificity values of the panoramic radiographs and dental study model were above the 50% line. The area under curve values of the panoramic radiographs and dental study model were considered to be very good. Conclusion: Application of Moyer’s method to panoramic radiographs using SIJ to determine space maintainer requirements can be performed on pediatric patients to predict special discrepancies.
