Politeja (Oct 2013)
Dialog Cerkwi z państwem w nauce społecznej Patriarchatu Moskiewskiego
The dialogue between The Orthodox Church and the state in view of the social concept of the Moscow Patriarchate This paper concerns the issue of the dialog between the Russian Orthodoxy and the state based on the document The Basis of the Social Concept. The main idea is to present a vision of the relationship and cooperation between the Moscow Patriarchate and the state, which was contained in the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, as also the impact of this concept on the development of church‑ state relations at the present stage. This issue became the subject of the interest both, researchers, representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate and public opinion as well. Thus, the analysis of this phenomenon is the matter of a great importance to the understanding the nature of the relations between the Orthodox Church and the state in Russia after 1991. The subject of considerations will be such issues like: attitudes to the state and government, the problem of the state system, Christian’s loyalty to the secular national power, concept of the secular state based on the social concept of the Orthodox Church.