Dermatology Practical & Conceptual (Feb 2022)

Atopic Dermatitis Pathogenesis: Lessons From Immunology

  • Luis Santamaria-Babi



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Translational research has changed the understanding of AD pathogenesis beyond basic mechanisms of immunology. The study in patients of rational therapies based on targeted therapies (biologicals) provides valuable information from the patient and provides lessons of clinical immunology on clinically relevant mechanism of AD pathogenesis. AD features such as skin barrier defect, skin dysbiosis, and pruritus share a common abnormal adaptive immune response process. Skin related skin-homing CLA+CD4+ memory T cells produce IL-4, IL-13, and IL-31 which are key mediators in AD pathogenesis. Lessons learned from AD is that translation immunology allows generating rational therapies for AD and learning the immunopathogenesis in the patient