Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences (Dec 2011)
Die Reaktion des schweizerischen Parlaments auf die Finanzkrise anhand des UBS-Rettungspakets und der neuen Bankenregulierung
In October 2008 the most important Swiss bank UBS had to be rescued by the Swiss government. The article illustrates and evaluates the debates and requests of the Swiss parliament on the rescue package as well as on bank regulation in general for the period from October 2008 until December 2010. It is shown that parliament is able to fulfill its role as a supervising and controlling body. Especially the report of the joint Control Committee (GPK) criticizing the supervision authority Finma and the government for its crisis management proves the GPK to be competent and practical. But when it comes to legislation parliament does not seem to be able to act adequately without concrete proposals of government in such a complex topic.