The development of genus Malassezia yeasts requires special conditions. This fungus, which produces skin diseases, is generally cultivated in the Dixon medium.Gumexudates from Spondias dulcis and Spondias mombin were tested as substrates for Malassezia furfur. Lipase production was also evaluated. The growth kinetic was determined for a given time range (0-168h) at different concentrations (0.5; 1%) and pH levels (4.5; 6.0). The biomass obtained for the tested yeast showed that substrates prepared with S. dulcis and S.mombin gum exudates are suitable for its development. The highest extracellular lipase activity was observed at 18h on both substrates at given concentrations (0.5; 1%) and pH (4.5; 6.0). These botanical species, widely located in Venezuela, especially in the States of Zulia and Falcon, yield abundant gum. Findings may be useful for obtaining new substrates that could compete with the Dixon medium for isolation and characterization of Malassezia species and for lipase production.