Unnes Journal of Public Health (Jul 2015)


  • Suci Wulandari,
  • Arum Siwiendrayanti,
  • Anik Setyo Wahyuningsih

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3


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Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran terhadap higiene penjamah, kondisi fisik depot, kondisi peralatan depot, kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang, dan peran serta puskesmas. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasinya depot di sekitar Universitas Negeri Semarang. Sampel berjumlah 12 depot. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner, panduan wawancara, dan check list. Teknik pengambilan datanya observasi, wawancara dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi fisik memenuhi syarat 8 depot (66,7%) , tidak memenuhi syarat 4 depot (33,3%), kondisi peralatan memenuhi syarat 11 depot (91,7%), tidak memenuhi syarat 1 depot (8,3%), higiene penjamah baik 1 responden (8,3%), higiene penjamah buruk 11 responden (91,7%), kualitas bakteriologis memenuhi syarat sebanyak 10 depot (83,3%), tidak memenuhi syarat 2 depot (16,7%), puskesmas belum pernah mengadakan pelatihan higiene penjamah, namun mengadakan inspeksi setiap tahun dengan sistem sampel. Saran untuk pemilik depot sebaiknya memeriksakan kualitas air secara berkala. Pemilik diharapkan menyediakan pakaian kerja dan memeriksakan kesehatan karyawan secara berkala. Bagi Puskesmas diharapkan meningkatkan pembinaan terhadap produsen depot. The purpose of study was to describe the handler hygiene, depot physical conditions, depot equipment conditions, the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water, and the role of the health centers. This study used descriptive quantitative methods. The population was depot around Semarang State University. The sample was 12 depots. The instrument used questionnaire, interview, and check list. The data were gathered using interview technique observation, documentation. The results showed physical condition qualifies 8 depots (66.7%), were not eligible 4 depots (33.3%), equipment condition qualifies 11 depots (91.7%), were not eligible 1 depot (8.3 %), good hygiene handlers 1 respondent (8.3%), poor hygiene handlers 11 respondents (91.7%), eligible bacteriological quality was 10 depot (83.3%), were not eligible 2 depots (16.7%), health centers has never been on training hygiene handlers, but doing inspection every year with a sample system. Suggestions for depot owners is periodically check the water quality. The owner is expected to provide work clothes and checked employee health periodically. For health centers expected to improve supervision of depot producer.
