Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings (Dec 2019)

The results of computer analysis of the wind load acting on the set of rolled profiles

  • Yury A. Veselev,
  • Mikhail S. Karabutov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 3
pp. 193 – 200


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The aim of the research is to numerically determine the effect of wind loads on the roof of the rolled profiles of the MIC-120 system. Methods. There were made some calculations in this article of wind load, acting on rolled metal thin-sheet profiles arch and a comparison of computer modeling and buildings requirement such as Building Rules “Loads and Actions” results. The research was carried out by means of modeling of a virtual wind tunnel with the placement to it a metal thin-sheet profiles arch in consideration of different wind actions such as acting on the arch’s butt end (along a generatrix), as well as athwart on the arch and angularly on it with the arch’s width change from 12 to 24 m. The arch modeling as well as the virtual wind tunnel modeling was based on the COSMOSFloWorks software package by means of the method, stated in the previous publications [2; 11]. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the Navier - Stokes equation and the equation of the condition of the fluid medium’s components. Results. The results are, first of all, the calculation of the wind pressure on the arch depending on the trajectory, wind speed in different regions and directions of wind flow, secondly, the comparison of the wind pressure, getting with the help of computer modeling with Building Rules 20.13330.2011 “Loads and Actions” and, finally, matching of results of wind pressure for a plain and ribbed arch with equal geometrical parameters, getting by computer modeling. In compliance with the generated calculations there was drawn a conclusion, that the standard pressure according on Building Rules does not change from arch span, but results of the computer modeling show us a change of the wind pressure from the arch’s span.
